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Senin, 15 Juni 2015


           When studying English. I call "master" in quotation marks because there is no one who can master a language, why: the language will continue to evolve and will never stagnant. And my English ability is actually far from the "master", because that's how it is. "Mastering" here is what I mean is the key to understand the pattern and continue to develop our abilities in English.
            The first time I got to know the English language 4th grade. While in grade 1 through 3, I have never got these subjects. The material was first taught by homeroom teachers how to read the alphabet letters, numbers, the meaning of a noun that is all around us. Furthermore, to interpret the names of the months, the name of the day, fruit names, animal names, etc. I used to think it was fun to learn English, learn English because it is not much different from the Indonesian. But that was then, after rising to a junior high school I was a different mindset about the English language.
            After graduating from elementary school I went to the junior high school level. In junior high school English language materials increase even more. The material is about formulas to construct a sentence, writing, speaking, listening, and reading in English, etc. The material contained grammar book. During the three years in junior high I get so much material, ranging from simple formulas to a level that is more complicated.
            Having graduated from high school I went to high school level. The material in high school went on material learned in junior high school. The difference in the SMA material is more profound, more developed, and of course, more complicated. But I do not give up so easily, at home I try to review and study itself sedik-by-bit. Although ultimately I still feel confused, but the important thing I've been trying.

            Graduated from high school I went on to higher education. In higher education material taught English as was predictable, ketemunya formulas again, again and again, could dikata repeat the subject matter of junior high through high school, yes indeed there is additional material. But despite repeat, the edges remain I still do not quite understand, still floating about really. At that time, I conclude that the English language is really hard to be learned and I was not too excited to learn the English language. From here I started to change my mind 'oh yes it turns out that way, the way of learning .. "and most do not interest me so intrigued again to learn English, so even if starting from zero again but not what, important knowledge that hopefully can be useful.

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015


        Health is one important factor to perform daily activities. Therefore, we should not underestimate the health of our bodies. Many things can be done to maintain health are: exercise, eat nutritious foods, eat fruit regularly, adequate rest, drink lots of water. By eating healthy and nutritious food, the body will not be susceptible to disease, where a variety of foods that contain lots of nutrients and these nutrients may help remove toxins in our body, especially in the liver. But now many people underestimate the health, such as junk food are now favored by many circles ranging from children to adults.

            Junk food is the kind of food that are packed, easy to prepare, practical, or processed in a simple way. Fast food generally has a tempting flavors, and most often addictive after the first meal times especially children. Children usually like to imitate their friends who have eaten food like it. Junk food is generally low in nutrients, but high in calories, mostly from added sugar, starch or fat.

            On the origin of the word fast food which is the English consists of two words, namely: Fast = fast, and Food = food, so if combined into fast food, or fast food. While Junk Food, which is also derived from English, also consists of two words ie Junk = Garbage, and Food = food, so the meaning of junk food is food waste. Glance both are almost the same and appear identical, because the various fast foods and junk scattered in Indonesia does have similarities in the form of presentation and appearance of the food. But actually the most fundamental difference is in terms of the content in each type of food.

            In another explanation also mentioned that: Fast Food is a term for food that can be prepared and administered quickly. While any food that can be prepared at once can be called fast food, the term usually refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with low-quality preparations and administered to the customer in a packaged form to be taken away. The term "fast food" was recognized in the English language dictionary Merriam-Webster in 1951. Examples of fast food: pecel, gado-gado, lotek, cat rice, etc.

            Junk food (food Less Nutrition (Nir-Nutrition)). Food nirnutrisi (English: Junk food) is a term that describes the food that is not healthy or have little nutritional content. Nirnutrisi foods contain large amounts of fat. Fast food such as burgers, fries from McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut are often regarded as nirnutrisi food, while the food was the same as California Pizza Kitchen or Nando's is not considered, although it has almost the same nutrients. Examples junk food: burgers, fried chicken,

            In essence, Fast Food is not fast food but the presentation of a technique of food to the customer, whether fast or not, fast food is often encountered in restaurants, so not all fast food is unhealthy like junk food. But the term fast food is actually closer to manufacturing techniques or time of manufacture, not the result of production. Some examples of junk food, among others, instant noodles, fried, pickled, canned foods, processed meat foods, baked or roasted foods, processed cheese, candied dried food, frozen sweet foods, foods with fatty meats and offal.

            Sometimes, we just can not resist the temptation to enjoy the delicious fries or a burger with melted cheese and mayonnaise. The aroma alone makes your saliva dripping. So, enjoy the occasional junk food does not matter. The problem if you make the "junk food" as a daily food. According to Jim White, RD, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach, VA, food such as carbohydrates from starch, in the packaging of cookies, potato chips, sugary soft drinks, as well as burgers and fries, not only adds a layer of fat in in the body. These foods can also cause physical disorder that makes you feel uncomfortable. Too much junk food most will not produce side effects as follows:

            Wrinkles prematurely. The ill effects of junk food was not just on weight loss, but also on the face. Sugar, trans fats (which are typically used to extend the period of validity of some food packaging), and flour, can cause insulin shot up and trigger inflammation. The chemical reaction that occurs when sugar molecules attack the protein or saturated fat accelerates the aging process, by turning off the antioxidants in the body. You also become susceptible to skin damage due to sun exposure, and make facial wrinkles faster.

            Constipation. Bread, rice, and other products that are made from starch, can cause constipation due to low fiber content. In fact, fiber serves move everything through the body. If you are dehydrated, constipated condition will get worse. Do not ask if you offset the consequences of this food with drinks such as soda.

            Heartburn. Consumption of too much junk food can trigger stomach acid disorders. Foods that are high in saturated fats take longer to digest. When the burgers or fries that you enjoy fully digested overnight before the morning, excess stomach acid can be pushed up into the esophagus when the time comes to eat next. You were so feel nausea and heartburn.

            Aggravating the symptoms of PMS. Food alone do not cause the appearance of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS. There are other sources that make it more severe. For example, sugar and starch, which causes insulin rise and fall quickly. This will affect chemicals in the brain and can worsen mood swings you experience. So it is with the drinks. Coffee at the coffee shop with an added variety of sweetener will provide the most severe effects when your hormones turbulent due to the effects of a combination of sugar and caffeine.

            Dizziness. You have experienced headaches after eating foods consecutive paced savory and fatty? The pain is triggered by tyramine, a chemical that is formed in the breakdown of certain proteins in food coloring and nitrates (such as found in hot dogs and other processed meats). Experts say these ingredients increase blood flow to the brain, causing changes in the blood vessels that cause pain. Therefore, you should more carefully observe your snacks. Stay away from foods that have unnatural color.

            Bloating. Variety of processed foods that are used in junk food containing high levels of sodium. Sodium is itself a major cause flatulence. This is because sodium regulates the amount of blood in the blood vessels, and binding water. High sodium intake will draw water from your cells, causing the body to retain more fluids to compensate. Drink diet soda will make your condition worse, because the bubble (containing air) and artificial sweeteners (which causes gas) equally trigger bloating.

            Often consume junk food is not good for health, partly because of the loss of physical activity that is so meaningful. Conversely, if we cultivate the food itself to be a fast food, a lot of physical activity energy expenditure without us knowing. Lack of physical activity can lead to excess weight, and subsequently can lead to degenerative diseases. In addition, the perception of some of us even though they had to consume junk food (such as pizza, burgers, white bread spread with butter / given sweetened condensed milk which is actually high in calories), still feel not eat if you do not eat rice.

            Junk food can cause obesity, but unfortunately the food is too cheap, tasty and addictive, so someone's hard not to buy junk food. Overweight or obesity is a major cause of excessive junk food. Obesity comes from our habits in childhood. Addicted to junk food starts from the age we are still young. Small children are addicted to junk food is not directly stop them eating nutritious foods that should they need to grow healthy. Children living with eating too much sugar and fat tend to experience slower growth and can damage the teeth and bones at an earlier age. If these habits are not changed from small since, it will be more difficult to be changed at a later date. When kids addicted to unhealthy foods, it will slow down the metabolism in their body. In fact, more people die each year because it is associated with obesity than cancer.

Minggu, 10 Mei 2015



            Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke khadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan segala rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga pada akhirnya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan baik. Dimana makalah ini kami sajikan dalam bentuk buku yang sederhana. Adapun judul penulisan Makalah ini, yang penulis ambil adalah sebagai berikut : “SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN DAN DEMOKRASI”

          Kami menyadari bahwa penyajian dan penulisan makalah ini masih banyak terdapat kekurangan didalamnya. Untuk itu kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran untuk kesempurnaan dalam penulisan – penulisan yang akan datang.



            Latar Belakang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
            Rumusan Masalah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
            Tujuan Masalah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

            Pengertian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
            Macam-macam Demokrasi Di Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
            Prinsip-Prinsip Demokrasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
            Bentuk-bentuk Demokrasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
            Ciri-ciri Demokrasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
            Asas Pokok Demokrasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

            Kesimpulan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
            Saran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8



            Sistem pemerintahan mempunyai sistem dan tujuan untuk menjaga kestabilan Negara, baik itu secara internal maupun eksternal. Secara luas sistem pemerintahan itu berarti menjaga kestabilan masyarakat, menjaga tingkah laku kaum mayoritas maupun minoritas, menjaga fondasi pemerintahan, menjaga kekuatan politik, pertahanan, ekonomi, keamanan sehingga menjadi sistem yang kontiniu. Sampai saat ini hanya sedikit negara yang bisa mempraktikkan sistem pemerintahan itu secara menyeluruh. Sistem pemerintahan mempunyai fondasi yang kuat dimana penerapannya kebanyakan sudah mendarah daging dalam kebiasaan hidup masyarakatnya dan terkesan tidak bisa diubah dan cenderung statis.

1.    Apa pengertian dari sistem pemerintahan dan demokrasi?
2.    Bagaimana sistem pemerintahan berdasarkan undang-undang dasar 1945?
3.    Apa saja macam-macam demokrasi di Indonesia?
4.    Bagaimana asas pokok suatu pemerintahan demokrasi?
5.    Bagaimana prinsip-prinsip demokrasi?

            Maksud penyusunan makalah ini adalah sebagai penambah wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia dari sebelum amandemen hingga sesudah amandemen.
            Selain itu,bertujuan agar kita semua lebih mengenal sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia serta dapat ikut berpartisipasi didalamnya.


            Sistem pemerintahan adalah sistem yang dimiliki suatu negara dalam mengatur pemerintahannya. Demokrasi adalah suatu bentuk pemerintah politik yang kekuasaan pemerintahannya berasal dari rakyat, baik secara langsung (demokrasi langsung) atau melalui perwakilan (demokrasi perwakilan). Demokrasi berasal dari bahasa Yunani (dÄ“mokratía) “kekuasaan rakyat”,yang dibentuk dari kata (dêmos) “rakyat” dan (Kratos) “kekuasaan”.
            Jadi dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa Sistem pemerintahan dan demokrasi adalah sistem pemerintahan suatu negara yang kekuasaannya mutlak di tentukan oleh rakyat / melalui perwakilan rakyat.
            Sistem pemerintahan Indonesia berdasarkan undang – undang dasar 1945 sistem pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut :
  •   Negara Indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum, tidak berdasarkan kekuasaan belaka.
  •   Pemerintahan berdasarkan atas sistem konstitusi (hukum dasar) tidak bersifat absolutisme (kekuasaan yang tidak terbatas).
  •     Kekuasaan Negara yang tertinggi berada di tangan majelis permusyawaratan rakyat.
  •    Presiden adalah penyelenggara pemerintah Negara yang tertinggi dibawah MPR. Dalam menjalankan pemerintahan negara kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab adalah ditangan prsiden.
  •     Presiden tidak bertanggung jawab kepada DPR. Presiden harus mendapat persetujuan dewan perwakilan rakyat dalam membentuk undang – undang dan untuk menetapkan anggaran dan belanja Negara.
  •    Menteri Negara adalah pembantu presiden yang mengangkat dan memberhentikan menteri negara. Menteri Negara tidak bertanggung jawab kepada DPR.
  •   Kekuasaan kepala Negara tidak terbatas. presiden harus memperhatikan dengan sungguh – sungguh usaha DPR.

            Menurut klasifikasinya ,sistem pemerintahan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu :
  1. Sistem pemerintahan parlementer (parliamentary executive / cabinet goverment system) Sistem parlementer adalah sebuah sistem pemerintahan di mana parlemen memiliki peranan penting dalam pemerintahan. Dalam hal ini parlemen memiliki wewenang dalam mengangkat perdana menteri dan parlemen pun dapat menjatuhkan pemerintahan, yaitu dengan cara mengeluarkan semacam mosi tidak percaya.
  2. Sistem pemerintahan presidensial (non parliamentary / fixed executive).Sistem presidensial (presidensial), atau disebut juga dengan sistem kongresional, merupakan sistem pemerintahan negara republik di mana kekuasan eksekutif dipilih melalui pemilu dan terpisah dengan kekuasan legislatif.

     1.    Demokrasi Kerakyatan Pada Masa Revolusi
            Pada masa revolusi 1945 – 1950 banyak kendala yang dihadapi bangsa indonesia, misalnya perbedaan-perbedaan antara kekuatan-kekuatan perjuangan bersenjata dengan kekuatan diplomasi, antara mereka yang mendukung revolusi sosial dan mereka yang menentangnya dan antara kekuatan islam dalam kekutan sekuler. Di awal revolusi tidak satupun perbedaan di antara bangsa indonesia yang terpecahkan. Semua permasalahan itu baru dapat diselesaikan setelah kelompok-kelompok kekuatan itu duduk satu meja untuk memperoleh satu kata sepakat bahwa tujuan pertama bangsa indonesia adalah kemerdekaan bangsa indonesia. Pada akhirnya kekuatan-kekuatan perjuangan bersenjata dan kekuatan diplomasi bersama-sama berhasil mencapai kemerdekaan.

      2.    Demokratisasi Dalam Demokrasi Parlementer
            Pada periode tahun 1950-an muncul kaum nasionalis perkotaan dari partai sekuler dan partai-partai islam yang memegang kendali pemerintahan. Ada sesuatu kesepakatan umum bahwa kedua kelompok inilah yang akan menciptakan kehidupan sebuah negara demokrasi di indonesia. Undang – Undang dasar 1950 menetapkan berlakunya sistem parlementer dimana badan eksekutif terdiri dari presiden sebagai kepala negara konstitusional beserta para menteri yang mempunyai tanggung jawab politik. Setiap kabinet terbentuk berdasarkan koalisi pada satu atau dua partai besar dengan beberapa partai kecil. Koalisi ternyata kurang mantap dan partai-partai koalisi kurang dewasa dalam menghadapi tanggung jawab mengenai permasalahan pemerintahan. Di lain pihak, partai-partai dalam barisan oposisi tidak mampu berperan sebagi oposisi kontruktif yang menyusun program-program alternatif, tetapi hanya menonjolkan segi-segi negatif dari tugas oposisi (Miriam Budiardjo, 70). Pemilu tahun 1955 tidak membawa stabilitas yang diharapkan, malah perpecahan antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah tidak dapat dihindarkan. Faktor-faktor tersebut mendorong presiden soekarno mengeluarkan Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 yang menentukan berlakunya kembali UUD 1945. Dengan demikian masa demokrasi berdasarkan sistem parlementer berakhir.

      3.    Demokratisasi Dalam Demokrasi Terpimpin
            Ini merupakan suatu sistem yang didominasi oleh kepribadian soekarno yang prakarsa untuk pelaksanaan demokrasi terpimpin diambil bersama-sama dengan pimpinan ABRI (Hatta, 1966 : 7). Pada masa ini terdapat beberapa penyimpangan terhadap ketentuan UUD 1945, misalnya partai-partai politik dikebiri dan pemilu ditiadakan. Kekuatan-kekuatan politik yang ada berusha berpaling kepada pribadi Soekarno untuk mendapatkan legitimasi, bimbingan atau perlindungan. Pada tahun 1960, presiden Soekarno membubarkan DPR hasil pemilu 1955 dan menggantikanya dengan DPRGR, padahal dalam penjelasn UUD 1945 secara ekspilisit ditentukan bahwa presiden tidak berwenang membubarkan DPR. Pemberontakan G 30 S/PKI tahun 1965 telah mengakhiri periode demokrasi terpimpin dan membuka peluang bagi dilaksanakannya demokrasi Pancasila.

      4.    Demokratisasi Dalam Demokrasi Pancasila
            Pada tahun 1966 pemerintahan Soeharto yang lebih dikenal dengan pemerintahan Orde Baru bangkit sebagai reaksi atas pemerintahan Soekarno. Pada awal pemerintahan orde hampir seluruh kekuatan demokrasi mendukungnya karena Orde Baru diharapkan melenyapkan rezim lama. Soeharto kemudian melakukan eksperimen dengan menerapkan demokrasi Pancasila. Inti demokrasi pancasila adalah menegakkan kembali azas negara hukum dirasakan oleh segenap warga negara, hak azasi manusia baik dalam aspek kolektif maupun aspek perseorangan dijamin dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan dapat dihindarkan secara institusional. Sekitar 3 sampai 4 tahun setelah berdirinya Orde Baru menunjukkan gejala-gejala yang menyimpang dari cita-citanya semula. Kekuatan – kekuatan sosial-politik yang bebas dan benar-benar memperjuangkan demokrasi disingkirkan. Kekuatan politik dijinakkan sehingga menjadi kekuatan yang tidak lagi mempunyai komitmen sebagai kontrol sosial. Pada masa orde baru budaya feodalistik dan paternalistik tumbuh sangat subur. Kedua sikap ini menganggap pemimpin paling tahu dan paling benar sedangkan rakyat hanya patuh dengan sang pemimpin. Sikap mental seperti ini telah melahirkan stratifikasi sosial, pelapisan sosial dan pelapisan budaya yang pada akhirnya memberikan berbagai fasilitas khusus, sedangkan rakyat lapisan bawah tidak mempunyai peranan sama sekali. Berbagai tekanan yang diterima rakyat dan cita-cita mewujudkan masyarakat adil dan makmur yang tidak pernah tercapai, mengakibatkan pemerintahan Orde Baru mengalami krisis kepercayaan dan kahirnya mengalami keruntuhan.

      5.    Rekonstruksi Demokrasi Dalam Orde Reformasi
            Melalui gerakan reformasi, mahasiswa dan rakyat indonesia berjuang menumbangkan rezim Soeharto. Pemerintahan soeharto digantikan pemerintahan transisi presiden Habibie yang didukung sepenuhnya oleh TNI. Orde Baru juga meninggalkan warisan berupa krisis nasional yang meliputi krisis ekonomi, sosial dan politik. Agaknya pemerintahan “Orde Reformasi” Habibie mecoba mengoreksi pelaksanaan demokrasi yang selama ini dikebiri oleh pemerintahan Orde baru. Pemerintahan habibie menyuburkan kembali alam demokrasi di indonesia dengan jalan kebebasan pers (freedom of press) dan kebebasan berbicara (freedom of speech). Keduanya dapat berfungsi sebagai check and balances serta memberikan kritik supaya kekuasaan yang dijalankan tidak menyeleweng terlalu jauh. Dalam perkembanganya Demokrasi di indonesia setelah rezim Habibie diteruskan oleh Presiden Abdurahman wahid sampai dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sangat signifikan sekali dampaknya, dimana aspirasi-aspirasi rakyat dapat bebas diutarakan dan dihsampaikan ke pemerintahan pusat. Ada satu hal yang membuat indonesia dianggap negara demokrasi oleh dunia Internasional walaupun negara ini masih jauh dikatakan lebih baik dari negara maju lainnya adalah Pemilihan Langsung Presiden maupun Kepala Daerah yang dilakukan secara langsung. Mungkin rakyat indonesia masih menunggu hasil dari demokrasi yang yang membawa masyarakat adil dan makmur secara keseluruhan.

            Setiap prinsip demokrasi dan prasyarat dari berdirinya negara demokrasi telah terakomodasi dalam suatu konstitusi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.Prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, dapat ditinjau dari pendapat Almadudi yang kemudian dikenal dengan “soko guru demokrasi.” Menurutnya, prinsip-prinsip demokrasi adalah:
     1)    Kedaulatan rakyat;
     2)    Pemerintahan berdasarkan persetujuan dari yang diperintah;
     3)    Kekuasaan mayoritas;
     4)    Hak-hak minoritas;
     5)    Jaminan hak asasi manusia;
     6)    Pemilihan yang bebas dan jujur;
     7)    Persamaan di depan hukum;
     8)    Proses hukum yang wajar;
     9)    Pembatasan pemerintah secara konstitusional;
    10) Pluralisme sosial, ekonomi, dan politik;
    11) Nilai-nilai tolerensi, pragmatisme, kerja sama, dan mufakat.

      Secara umum terdapat dua bentuk demokrasi yaitu demokrasi langsung dan demokrasi perwakilan.
   Demokrasi Langsung merupakan suatu bentuk demokrasi dimana setiap rakyat memberikan suara atau pendapat dalam menentukan suatu keputusan. Dalam sistem ini, setiap rakyat mewakili dirinya sendiri dalam memilih suatu kebijakan sehingga mereka memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap keadaan politik yang terjadi.
    Sistem demokrasi langsung digunakan pada masa awal terbentuknya demokrasi di Athena dimana ketika terdapat suatu permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan, seluruh rakyat berkumpul untuk membahasnya. Di era modern sistem ini menjadi tidak praktis karena umumnya populasi suatu negara cukup besar dan mengumpulkan seluruh rakyat dalam satu forum merupakan hal yang sulit. Selain itu, sistem ini menuntut partisipasi yang tinggi dari rakyat sedangkan rakyat modern cenderung tidak memiliki waktu untuk mempelajari semua permasalahan politik negara.
   Dalam demokrasi perwakilan, seluruh rakyat memilih perwakilan melalui pemilihan umum untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan mengambil keputusan bagi mereka.

            Dalam perkembangannya, demokrasi menjadi suatu tatanan yang diterima dan dipakai oleh hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Ciri-ciri suatu pemerintahan demokrasi adalah sebagai berikut :
    1.    Adanya keterlibatan warga negara (rakyat) dalam pengambilan keputusan politik, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung (perwakilan).
   2.    Adanya pengakuan, penghargaan, dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak asasi rakyat (warga negara).
     3.    Adanya persamaan hak bagi seluruh warga negara dalam segala bidang.
   4.    Adanya lembaga peradilan dan kekuasaan kehakiman yang independen sebagai alat penegakan hukum
    5.    Adanya kebebasan dan kemerdekaan bagi seluruh warga negara.
    6.    Adanya pers (media massa) yang bebas untuk menyampaikan informasi dan mengontrol perilaku dan kebijakan pemerintah.
    7.    Adanya pemilihan umum untuk memilih wakil rakyat yang duduk di lembaga perwakilan rakyat. 
    8.    Adanya pemilihan umum yang bebas, jujur, adil untuk menentukan (memilih) pemimpin negara dan pemerintahan serta anggota lembaga perwakilan rakyat.
   9.    Adanya pengakuan terhadap perbedaan keragamaan (suku, agama, golongan, dan sebagainya).
            Gagasan pokok atau gagasan dasar suatu pemerintahan demokrasi adalah pengakuan hakikat manusia, yaitu pada dasarnya manusia mempunyai kemampuan yang sama dalam hubungan sosial.
            Berdasarkan gagasan dasar tersebut terdapat 2 (dua) asas pokok demokrasi, yaitu:
     1)    Pengakuan partisipasi rakyat dalam pemerintahan, misalnya pemilihan wakil-wakil rakyat untuk lembaga perwakilan rakyat secara langsung, umum, bebas, dan rahasia serta jurdil.
     2)    Pengakuan hakikat dan martabat manusia, misalnya adanya tindakan pemerintah untuk melindungi hak-hak asasi manusia demi kepentingan bersama.
      3)    Pemilihan umum secara langsung mencerminkan sebuah demokrasi yang baik.


            Dari seluruh pembahasan Makalah ini, kami dapat simpulkan bahwa : Sistem pemerintahan adalah sistem yang dimiliki suatu negara dalam mengatur pemerintahannya. Demokrasi adalah suatu bentuk pemerintah politik yang kekuasaan pemerintahannya berasal dari rakyat, baik secara langsung (demokrasi langsung) atau melalui perwakilan (demokrasi perwakilan). Demokrasi berasal dari bahasa Yunani (dÄ“mokratía) “kekuasaan rakyat”,yang dibentuk dari kata (dêmos) “rakyat” dan (Kratos) “kekuasaan”. Jadi dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa Sistem pemerintahan dan demokrasi adalah sistem pemerintahan suatu negara yang kekuasaannya mutlak di tentukan oleh rakyat / melalui perwakilan rakyat.
            Sistem pemerintahan Negara Indonesia menggambarkan adanya lembaga-lembaga yang bekerja dan berjalan saling berhubungan satu sama lain menuju tercapainya tujuan penyelenggaraan negara. Lembaga-lembaga negara dalam suatu sistem politik meliputi empat institusi pokok, yaitu eksekutif, birokratif, legislatif, dan yudikatif. Selain itu, terdapat lembaga lain atau unsur lain seperti parlemen, pemilu, dan dewan menteri. Dalam sistem pemerintahan Indonesia, lebaga-lembaga negara berjalan sesuai dengan mekanisme demokratis.

            Sudah saatnya, kita bersama-sama bergerak untuk mencapai angan demokrasi yang telah dicita-citakan oleh para pemimpin-pemimpin dan tokoh-tokoh Indonesia. Unsur-unsur demokrasi yangkadang menjadi akar permasalahan harus bisa diselesaikan dan diperbaiki, karena konsep demokrasi bukan hak paten yang tidak bisa dirubah. Ia harus bersifat dinamis dan bisa mengikuti kultur sosial- politik-budaya Negara yang menggunakannya sebagai asas Negara. Usaha perubahan tersebut sebenarnya telah sering dilakukan dan sayangnya malah menjadi ancaman bukan kenyamanan. Rakyat perlu diperkuat kembali bahwa mereka bukan alat kekuasaan yang dengan mudah diatur kesana ke mari. Elit penguasa dan rakyat harus bisa bekerja sama selama tujuan demokrasi menjadi patokan utama bernegara yang baik.



            Active sentence (active voice) is a sentence where the subject of his work, by contrast. Passive sentence (passive voice) is a sentence where the subject was subjected to the job by the objectof the sentence. Active voice is more often used in daily life compared with the passive voice. However, often we find the passive voice in the news papers, articles in magazines and scholarly writings. Passive voice is used because the object of the active voice is more important information than his subject.

Example :

-   active : she read the book
-   passive : the book read by her
-   active : he wash car every week
-   passive : car wash by him every week

            Especially for sentences progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, and past perfect continuous future, need to add a 'being' in front verb3). If it was not added "being", tensisnya will change, not progressive / continuous again.

The formula passive voice follows the following pattern:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

The formula of active and passive voice at every tense :
      1.      If the active voice in the simple present tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is is, am or acre.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Present Simple Tense
S + V1 + O
S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O
He meets them everyday.
They are met by him everyday.

      2.      If the active voice in the simple past tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is was or were.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Simple Past Tense
S + V2 + O
S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O
She wrote some poems last week
Some poems were written by her last week

      3.      If the active voice in the present perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was been placed after the auxiliary has or have, thus becoming 'has been' or 'have been'.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Present Perfect Tense
S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
She has sent a letter
A letter has been sent by her

     4.      If the active voice in the past perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was been placed after the auxiliary had, thus becoming had been.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Perfect Tense
S + had + V3 + O
S + had + been + V3 + by + O
I had studied english
English had been studied by me

      5.      If the active voice in the simple future tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is be.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Simple Future Tense
S + will + V1 + O
S + will be + V3 + by + O
Johnn will bite mery
Mary will be betten by ohn

      6.      If the active in the pas future tense, then”be” passive voice of his is be.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Future Tense
S + would + V1 + O
S + would be + V3 + by + O
They would learn English
English would be learned by them

     7.      If the active voice in the present future perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was been placed after the auxiliary will have, thus becoming 'will have been'.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Future Perfect Tense
S + will + have + V3 + O
S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O
He will have bought this car next month
This car will have been bought by him next month
     8.      If the active voice in past future perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was been placed after the auxiliary would have, thus becoming 'would have been'.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Future Perfect Tense
S + would + have + V3 + O
S + would + have + been + V3 + by + O
We would have asked his signature
His signature would have been asked by us
     9.      If the active voice in the present continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was (is, am or acre) + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Present Continuous Tense
S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
We are studying english
English is being studied by us

     10.  If the active voice in the past continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is (was or were) + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Continuous Tense
S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
S + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O
She was watching TV
The TV was being watched by her

     11.  If the active voice in perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is (has / have) been + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O
S + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O
She has been waiting for you for about an hour
You have been being waited by her for about an hour

      12.  If an active voice in the past perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was had been + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
S + had + been + V1-ing + O
S + had + been + being + V3 + by + O
We had been listening the music for two hours
The music had been being listened by us for two hours

      13.  If an active voice in the present future continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is will be + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Future Continuous Tense
S + will/shall + be + V1-ing + O
S + will/shall + be + being + V3 + by + O
I shall be writting a short story
A short story will be being written by me

      14.  If an active voice in the past future continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is would be + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Future Continuous Tense
S + would + be + V1-ing + O
S + would + be + being + V3 + by + O
He would be visiting his family
His family would be being visited by him

     15.  If an active voice in the present future perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is will have been + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
S + will + have + been + being + V3 + O
He will have been reading the newspaper
The newspaper will have been being read by him

     16.  If an active voice in the past future perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was would have been + being.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
S + would + have + been + V1-ing + O
S + would + have + been +being + V3 + by + O
I would have been listening to the music for 15 minutes
The music would have been being listened by me for 15 minutes

Change the active voice to the passive voice
      1.      Active :  I write a short story
      Passive :  A short story is written by me
      2.      Active :  We would buy a dictionary
      Passive :  A dictionary would be bought by us
      3.      Active  :  He would visit his family
      Passive :  His family would be visited by him
      4.      Active  :  She had heard the bad news
      Passive :  The bad news had been heard by her
      5.      Active  :  They would learn English
      Passive :  English would be learned by them
      6.      Active  :  I would have married her
      Passive :  She would have been married by me
      7.      Active  :  He was reading the newspaper
      Passive : The newspaper was being read by him
      8.      Active  :  He had been playing Tenis since 4 o'clock
      Passive :  Tenis had been being played since 4 o'clock
      9.      Active  :  She will have completed all her work at 4 o'clock this afternoon
      Passive :  All her work will have been completed by her at 4 o'clock this afternoon
      10.  Active  :  They will have learned english when you visit them at 9 o'clock next Monday
      Passive :  English will have been learned by them when you visit them at 9 o'clock next Monday

Change the passive voice to active sentence
      1.      Passive :  An interesting movie was watched by him last night
      Active :  He watched an interesting movie last night
      2.      Passive :  English was studied by us yesterday
      Active :  We studied english yesterday
      3.      Passive :  The music is listened by him
      Active :  He listens to the music
      4.      Passive :  A mistake had been made by him
      Active  :  He had made a mistake
      5.      Passive :  a letter will be sent by her this afternoon
      Active  :  She will send a letter this afternoon
      6.       Passive :  I would have been asked by her to stay in her house
      Active  :  She would have asked me to stay in her house
      7.      Passive :  English was being studied by them.
      Active  :  They were studying english
      8.      Passive :  You will be being waited by her at 8 o'clock this morning
      Active  :  He will be waiting for you at 8 o'clock this morning
      9.      Passive :  English would have been being learned by her for 2 years in 2015.
      Active  :  She would have been learning english for 2 years in 2015.

      10.  Passive :  This car will have been bought by him next month
      Active  :  He will have bought this car next m


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